Under our quality management system (QMS), Area51 Electronics conducts vigorous counterfeit mitigation from our state of the art, in-house quality assurance and testing lab. Our inspection team is equipped with advanced tools to detect, mitigate, and avoid suspect counterfeit and counterfeit parts.
SAE AS6081 Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts: Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition for Distributors. AS6081 provides requirements, practices, methods, and guidance to mitigate the risk of purchasing and supplying suspect counterfeit and counterfeit parts. As a SAE G19D committee member, we have set the standard for counterfeit mitigation in the electronics distribution industry since 2013.
Our counterfeit mitigation program adheres to the highest standards of quality control. We apply a risk management process that involves: assessing the perceived risk level of components and their applications; identifying and mitigating the risk; controlling and reporting on suspect counterfeit parts; and implementing solutions to preserve the integrity of your supply chain needs. Here’s how it works:
Our inspection team examines the components’ part markings, packaging, configurations, and other key elements to assess any potential risk.
We detect suspect counterfeit components by conducting the following test methods:
Any part that is determined to be suspect counterfeit or counterfeit will be quarantined and reported, as part of a key provision of AS6081. This is to ensure counterfeit parts do not enter your supply chain. As a leader in counterfeit mitigation standards, Area51 Electronics offers the total support you need – everything necessary to avoid, detect, mitigate, and responsibly dispose of counterfeit electronics parts.